October sprinted by, leaving an easily forgotten sprinkle of tired maroons, oranges, and yellows that almost grayed out of fall fatigue. The season had been late coming and already, the …
A Tale of Exile
VII: Bloodsweats of Gethsemane
The eagle’s eye spots its target and begins to circle the air above. His movements are slow, meditated, precisely calculated, better than the unfailing tick-tock of a clock. He has …
VI: Hems on Shredded Pavements
The dazzling silver of the Swedish Alps seemed to be mocking Mumbi’s gray countenance as she looked down thousands of feet from her seat on the KLM flight. Send me …
V: A Place Called No Return
“Sheeeit!!!…” Cursed the voice at the other end of the line. Lenana quietly hung up on the deranged lunatic without a word. Shanni watched him from her spot in the …